Don't Go Through This Alone.

with the chosen parent COLLECTIVE group, work towards a solution, together. 

  • Get real-time access; tips, and hot-seat, group coaching from Dorcy Pruter herself - each month
  • Learn to maintain/rebuild/reunite the connection with your child, whether they are minors or adults.
  • Learn to coexist with your co-parent, yes- even if they’re steeped in pathology.
  • Become empowered in your role, vs feeling like you're being walked all over on.
  • Support, and be supported by, others in similar circumstances

$69 a month membership with VIP perks and access

'How do I know if I am in the right place?'

  • Your child outright refuses to come to your parenting time or your co-parent makes an excuse about why your son or daughter can’t come.
  • You notice a change in your child’s behavior every time they come back from your co-parent's time.
  • Your child says that they never want to see you again.
  • You haven’t seen your child (minor or adult) in weeks, months or even years.
  • Your co-parent feels like a ticking time-bomb, waiting for you to “make a mistake,” so they can seize more control.  

All of these challenges are signs of an emotional cutoff. You're not alone. Dorcy has supported thousands of parents who were also alienated from their children.

I have good news for you: No matter how big the distance is right now, there is a way to rebuild a healthy bond with your child, that lasts. 

It is never too late.

Hi, I’m Dorcy Pruter.

Child psychological abuse is an issue very close to my heart.

I am a former alienated child who was able to reunite with my Dad. Through my personal and professional journey, I know what it takes to end the conflict of divorce and re-establish a healthy, long-lasting bond with your family.

I am so excited to have created this group for parents to be able to empower one another, in order to embrace their role as Chosen parent to their children. You are the parent who will do what it takes to reunite the family. This group is for the parents who truly want to learn what it takes, and who want to empower other parents to do the same -- and I am here to help guide those parents.

Being alienated from your child and dealing with a high-conflict co-parent is no walk in the park. It’s imperative that you have a support system in place to help you navigate this challenging time effectively so you and your family move from being divided to united. The Chosen Parent Collective is that support system.

....Who is a Chosen Parent?

Before I tell you about this special membership I created for parents like you, let me answer the question you may be asking—who is a Chosen parent? Is it me?

The Chosen Parent is the one that often has the most obstacles in front of them, but wants to overcome those obstacles for the sake of their children. This means you’re meant to lead your family out of trauma and into harmony.

Any of this sound familiar?

  • Everyone keeps telling you that it will get better. 'Don’t worry. Divorce is hard on children. Give them time in space. They’re not ready to have a relationship with you.' But you know that can't be the only solution.
  • You’ve been suffering in silence or you’re trying to figure out why your child suddenly doesn’t like you, but you haven’t done anything differently. You might even have been falsely accused out of the blue..
  • You have visitation or custody, but see how the behavior of your ex influences the child(ren) and you fear you may lose them. You want to prevent this from taking hold.
  • You may have been alienated from your teens or now-adult children and are seeking to create a connection with them, but you won't wait for them to come around someday.

...If so, you’re a Chosen Parent. And I know that as a Chosen Parent, you are the leader of your family. You are meant to restore the bond of unconditional love that always exists between parent and child. Now let's embrace that role.

Join Dorcy, and other parents like you, in The Chosen Parent Collective

What Do Collective Members Receive?

as a member, you’ll have access to:


Strategies on how to consciously co-parent, reunification techniques, communication skills, proven tactics, healing & mindset shifting, and so much more. Learn from Dorcy herself in individual hot-seat opportunities, as well as learning from others' hot-seats. Calls are recorded so members can view the replay in membership site if unable to attend live call.


Participate and engage in the private, online forum to connect with the other members. In between group calls, this will be the place to go to ask questions, provide updates, and interact among your support group of Collective peers, which the CCPI team manages. A place to be open, honest, vulnerable, helped and helpful.


In the private membership site that only members have access to, you will find past workshop + webinars, supportive resources & documents, and even some bonuses for being a member/saying yes to yourself and your children. Receive unique offer codes for some of our top online programs.  Support at your fingertips, anytime/anywhere!

Register & Join the Chosen Parent Collective Now


$69 / Month

Take It from Other Collective Members!

*we respect any parent who does not want to disclose their personal information.

I understood the dynamic I was dealing with, but conventional advice seemed to make things worse. I knew my kids had been put in the middle but wasn't sure how to get them out.

Clarity on what type of communication is helpful not just for my kids but with my challenging co parent as well. That clarity brings out my confidence as a parent to express and model unconditional love.

It is so refreshing to hear other parents that really get it and don't just tell you your child is a teen and will grow out of their behaviors. That validation alone opens doors that lead to movement forward. There is so much wisdom to apply from advice given, successes and questions asked that help us to dive deeper and open our eyes to new ways of approaching things both mentally / emotionally and in daily action.

The collective has given me true support in multiple ways. A group of like minded people who are solution focused and understand what they are actually dealing with. Resources to continue growing as a person and parent. Hope.

Krista C

chosen parent

I'm a parent of 2 adult children who have been completely alienated for 29 years. I've always tried to stay in touch through letters and emails to no avail.

I now realize I have to show my children the way to back to me by being the strong, safe parent instead of hoping they will figure it out. I was always feeling I had to walk on eggshells in my communication and Dorcy is helping me learn and try ways to show up much differently.

It's a great group of parents who are all struggling with the same issues I am. Dorcy puts her heart and soul into every session and could not be more passionate about trying to help every parent reconnect with their children.

I feel much more hopeful that what I am learning will make a difference and help me reconnect with my children.

Carol Diament

Chosen parent

I was not aware of unconditional  love and I thought I was a bad parent. I did not trust myself and feel small in relationships to my kids. This created anger and resentment in me.

I am the creator of my reality and my relationships and It is not my fault I messed up but I am responsible for going forward now that I know how.

It is a tremendous support and a relief to be able to rest in and find your own way by listening and learning from others experiences.

Before I was having a battle with life. Now, I have a life.


chosen parent


Chosen Mom 

Dorcy's expertise, her universal energy, and the support of the Chosen Parent Collective as a whole group, has been my saving Grace. I feel like God himself pushed me in this direction. Dorcy, and the work she does for those of us who are flailing in the darkness, is what has brought me (and many) out of the darkness and into the light of what is actually obtainable. I told my friends that she's like an angel here on earth. God sent and right on the mark! So grateful.

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Kathy Kilo Peterson 

I would encourage parents to join the Chosen Parent Collective! This group has become a community-willing to share and be vulnerable. Every live session is a true learning experience & Dorcy is live on the monthly calls. The successes shared by parents that have implemented the teachings is nothing short of miraculous. The solution to get our kids back is taught, it is up to us to do the work.

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Chosen Mom 

Hello, fellow Chosen Parents!

At this time last year, I was spinning in fear, desperation, sadness, confusion, and anger over losing my two teenage kids to triangulation from a covert pathogenic coparent. If it were not for Dorcy and Dr. Childress' experience in this family dynamic, as well as their guidance and wisdom, I don't think I would have the skills and tools to know how to "show up differently" and be that "soft place to land" for them. After joining the Collective several months ago, my 18-year-old daughter quickly started folding in after shaking off her toxic boyfriend. My 14-year-old son is now coming over for weekly dinners and requesting me to show up at his soccer games and teach him how to bake cookies. I am so grateful that my elderly parents and extended family will get to see my kids this holiday season and I count my blessings every day. Thank you to CCPI and my parenting coach.

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The Power of Community

I know how isolating it can be to face these struggles on your own. I know there are times you feel absolutely crazy when a co-parent is blocking you at every step and preventing you from seeing your own child, or preventing a loving relationship. Or-- your adult children refuse to see you because they believe the pathology presented to them.

I’m here to remind you that you are not alone.

Getting support in a community of people who get what you’re going through is essential to overcome the challenges, shed the pain of the past, and move from a divided to united family, especially when your family is living in two different households.

Unlike many support groups, The Chosen Parent Collective is solution-focused. You’ll actually walk away with skills you need to make change immediately. Be amongst a group of parents who empower one another to: take back their role, reunite with their children, and co-exist with their high-conflict co-parent.

**Should you choose to cancel your membership, your access to ALL that the membership entails will be removed. Should you choose to re-engage at a later point, you will need to re-enroll at the price offered at that time. However when you enroll now, you will lock in the current price (i.e., your monthly payment will not increase when the price increases).