January 15

Reunification Roadmap: Step 8 – Professional Ally


To recap, the first two phases of the Reconnect roadmap:

Phase 1
  1. Decoding alienation
  2. Regulating emotions 
  3. Taking responsibility
Phase 2
  1. Mastering communication
  2. Building resilience
  3. Rebuilding trust
Phase 2
  1. Reconnection Initiator 

The 8th step includes a critical step that alienated parents must take to ensure their family stays on the right track.

This is to ally the professionals involved. 

It is critical you go through the first 2 stages to ensure this stage is done properly (check out the rest, here).

For example, if you are not getting your emotions in check, taking a look in the mirror, mastering how to communicate in this dynamic--the professionals you attempt to ally may not be willing. Too often alienated parents show up out of pain and fear, understandably, yet they do so in a way that affects how they show up with the professionals in their case. This may lead the professional to view your case and your side of things  in a different light. Or, you may be attempting to ally the wrong professionals We see it all too often.

To help you get clear on how to properly ally professionals, we have designed a cheatsheet for you. It is one small step on the reconnect roadmap, and what we go deep in during our upcoming program, Reconnect, with Dorcy Pruter. Get started with your cheatsheet now, right here. 


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