Conscious Co-Parenting Institute Programs
Conscious Co-Parenting Online Course
This course is an all-inclusive co-parenting program, which meets and exceeds court-ordered requirements for co-parenting/parenting classes. Guidance, skills, tools, and more.
Reconnect: The Alienated Parent's Reunification Roadmap
Reunite with your child in this online course and guided coaching program for alienated parents ready to end the battle and reunite with their alienated children. This step-by-step process was created to empower parents with the skills and tools they need to end the suffering for their family and reunite with their child for good.
Foundations Online Informational Mini Course
In this complimentary online course, clinical psychologist Dr. Craig Childress (PsyD) explains the pathology of child psychological abuse and pathogenic parenting amongst alienated families.
Higher Purpose Parenting Online Course
This course will take you on a journey of self-discovery. Learn how to uncover your purpose as a parent, to win back your confidence & reunite with your child. Learn to experience inner peace and empowerment.
Healing from Emotional Trauma Online Course
We all have past trauma that we carry throughout our lives. Few people learn how to let that pain go & end up staying stuck. This course will teach you how to heal from this trauma so you can move forward in all areas of your life.
Custody Resolution Method Coaching & Consulting Program
Are you in a contentious custody battle? This wrap-around program provides you with the robust court prep, mindset, and the tools you need to empower your legal team to present your evidence properly in court.
Child Custody Solutions Online Course
Learn the steps & tools you need to take to get properly prepared for presenting your parenting plan and custody case in court. Immense knowledge, tips, tools, and resources for you to design a robust legal strategy.
Chosen Parent Collective Support Group Membership
Get real-time access, tips, & hot-seat, group coaching from Dorcy Pruter, each month! Be amongst a group of parents, all learning how to take back their role, rebuild the connection with their child, and how to co-exist with a high-conflict co-parent. + Bonus support & a community forum.
The High Road to Reunification Workshop
This four-day intensive coaching & educational workshop provides you and your child(ren) a safe & loving environment where you will learn how to move forward into the new family paradigm. Whole family problem, whole family solution. This program requires a court order. See details below.
Ju-Jitsu Communication for Conscious Co-Parents Masterclass
Designed specifically for alienated parents, this masterclass will teach you how to apply the revolutionary Ju-Jitsu Communication techniques created by Dr. Craig Childress. Discover how to effectively communicate with your alienated children, the professionals involved in your situation, and your co-parent with calm, confidence, and strategy, no matter the challenges you face.