Take Back Your Power as a Parent for Good
Discover the Path to Rebuilding a Healthy Relationship with Your Child, That Lasts
Our Mission
The Conscious Co-Parenting Institute provides innovative strategies and solutions for parents and children to stay connected during, and after, a high-conflict divorce or separation.
Our goal is to end the emotional cutoffs and empower every member of the family to reach their potential by taking an inward approach. We focus on showing parents how to communicate with the child and the other parent to prevent alienation and provide them with the tools they need to move forward and create a lasting positive change - no matter where they are in the process.
Reunite with Adult Kids
Dorcy was cutoff from her father as a child, and reunited with him as an adult. She then helped her father and siblings reunite. All after years of no contact. She has since helped countless families to reunite with both their minor - and yes, adult - alienated children. It is always possible. If your child is aged out, you can get started on the path today to attract them back.

Chosen Parent Collective
A collective of parents who empower one another to take back their role; reunite with their children; and co-exist with their high-conflict co-parent. Monthly group calls with Dorcy Pruter, the CEO/Founder. Private online forum for support and community.
Reunification Coach Training Academy
Our Reunification Coach Certification Training offers internationally recognized co-parenting; custody; and reunification certificates & licensed training programs. If you want to help guide and empower parents to recover & reunite with their children - and generate business success - discover how you can get on your purpose-driven path of helping separated families.

Co-Parenting and Custody Solutions
Discover how to end the suffering and chaos with your high-conflict co-parent and set a co-parenting plan that works so you can finally reunite with your alienated children, or prevent alienation. We also specialize in helping parents put an end to the conflict in court that can so-often appear in contentious custody battles, by getting prepared properly.
High Road to Reunification
Stop the cycle of abuse and re-establish a loving bond with your children with the High Road to Reunification program. This transformative workshop* helps you cultivate a safe environment for yourself and your children. Read more about how this workshop is obtained and about the steps to deem if you qualify.
*this workshop is NOT therapy.

From the Founder
I'm Dorcy Pruter, Reunification & Co-Parenting Coach. I started the Conscious Co-Parenting Institute to end the suffering for parents and children after a high conflict divorce or separation. A family dynamic informally known as "parental Alienation" which is an urban term used to describe child psychological abuse. For almost two decades I have been one of the most sought-after reunification coaches in the world due to my highly successful reunification programs.
Through my personal journey I learned exactly what it takes to end the conflict of divorce and re-establish a healthy & long-lasting bond between parents and children. I am a formerly alienated child who ended the suffering for my father with me and my siblings. I am also a divorced conscious co-parent of two daughters and bonus mom to two now adult children. I have firsthand experience in the many different roles within this family dynamic, as a parent, bonus parent, daughter and sibling. I deeply understand the family dynamic and what it takes to heal it.
Too often conflict arises and children become a weapon or a possession that can be used against another parent. When the courts and mental health professionals miss what is happening in can cause long term suffering for parents, children, and extended family.
I truly believe that every human on the planet is here with a purpose and has the opportunity to learn and grow and be the best version they can be. I also believe that there is no reason to go it alone. we are here for you to meet you where you are on your coparenting journey and assist you in creating the relationship your deserve with your beloved children.
Learn more about me and the Conscious Co-Parenting Institute mission here.
Find all of our programs at the link here.
I singed up for the CRM after attending Dorcy's 7days seminar of let's get your children back. I was also part of the Chosen Parent's Collective. I truly appreciate all the work Dorcy has done to help parents. The classes are very detailed and I love attending the live calls. My now 12 y.o. daughter was very angry, very rude, not wanting to listen anything, she was very distant from me. Communication had become extremely difficult. She had been made to think that she is an adult and should be involved in all decision making. She thought her mom didn't know how to treat her, take care of her and speak to her. I had been in court system for about 3.5 years when I signed up for the program. My divorce wasn't going anywhere, and I had spend nearly all of my savings. My divorce was finalized last month finally after much back and forth with the attorneys. My ex's attorney was just as bad as my EX. In all reality I can't say my own attorney did much to help me with the whole situation. I became proactive in learning about my situation and when I landed on Dorcy's video on youtube with Dr.Childress one day while randomly doing search, I felt there I can find some answers and get help. Since, I have gotten the coaching sessions and done the course work recommended to me, I felt I am back to myself again being confident, in control of my life again and making sound decision. I can't thank enough Dorcy and her team for all the help. My relationship with my daughter has improved as I learn how to deal with the family dynamic and what was happening. I am listening the course work again for the third time. It helps to be able to visit the course work again !! My EX hasn't changed, continues to lie to my daughter. I have learned what my triggers are and stay calm when situations arise. Absolutlely!!! Dorcy has nailed it. And the information that Dr.Childress has on his channel really helps to understand how therapists work. The first time I heard their youtube chanel, I said, to myself,, "OMG, there is someone who knows and described my life situation" and when I signed up with CCPI, I came to know there are so many people out there dealing with similar situation, and being part of group and listen to other's story gave me hope and I can talk to people who understand me.
Beena Patel
My daughter didn't want anything to do with me, when we had such a loving relationship before. I wanted to give up, until I found Dorcy. I was also advised to wait around for my daughter to just come around someday and I am so glad I didn't do that and instead took action. I got the court to see what was actually happening to hold my co-parent accountable. Because of the CRM, the judge finally understood exactly what was happening in our family and we got ordered into the High Road program where I reunited with my daughter in a matter of days. My co-parent learned skills in the last phase of the program and I also learned how to show up differently which makes all the difference in the court system and with your child. I got my one and only daughter back, and she has a loving relationship with both of us now and is thriving socially, academically, and emotionally. I am so glad I did not give up and 'wait around' for my daughter to come around or we would have missed out on years of a loving relationship. Both programs changed my life and most importantly my daughter's. If you feel the urge to give up, please don't. Your children need you.