Reconnect: The Alienated Parent's Reunification Roadmap Coaching Program

Reunite with your child in this 90-day coaching program guided by Dorcy Pruter for alienated parents ready to end the battle and reunite with their alienated children.

Reconnect Guided Coaching Program

The Reconnect program is tailored to address the unique challenges of parental alienation and provide you with effective strategies to reconnect with your child. This step-by-step process was created to empower parents with the skills and tools they need to end the suffering for their family and reunite with their child for good.

Proven Methods

Our 90-day coaching program utilizes evidence-based techniques and methods, ensuring you have the best tools to foster a positive and lasting relationship with your child.

Community Support

Join a group of parents who understand your journey. Share experiences, gain insights, and build a supportive community that helps you stay motivated and resilient. 

Personal Growth and Transformation

This program is not just about reunification—it's about personal transformation. Develop skills that will empower you in all areas of your life, from communication to emotional resilience. Join Dorcy where she will be doing group healing sessions to help parents remove barriers and limiting beliefs that are holding you stuck in your current situation. 

This strategy reflects the EXACT SYSTEM we have used to help countless parents get their children to stop hating them and reunite, all without having to change the other parent.

Learn how to get the therapist to shift how they are showing up to assist you in reuniting versus making matters worse.

If you are ready to take your relationship back with your children, get the professionals to finally understand and ally with you to recover your children - this program is for you.

This is the clearest and most predictable system for anyone serious about doing what it takes to reunite with their child, eliminate alienation, and heal their emotional trauma with their child.

We can help--whether you…

  • Are recently cut off from your child(ren) or have been for quite some time.
  • Have a relationship with your co-parent or are on bad terms.
  • Have a feeling you may be headed towards a court battle and want to be ahead of the game & prepared, or have been in court for quite some time.
  • Have adult kids that you've been cut-off from for too long.

...What matters is that you are:

  • Willing to do what it takes to get your kids back.
  • Committed to healing and improving your relationships.
  • Ready to invest and make lifelong changes for the sake of your family.
  • Are willing to be the leader of your family, even if you feel alone, fed up, or burnt-out.

Reconnect: The Alienated Parent's Reunification Roadmap is a powerful coaching program that gives you the exact process that our clients use to reunite with their children.

When you enroll in Reconnect: The Alienated Parent's Reunification Roadmap, you will receive:

Tier 1



  • Lifetime online access to the Reconnect course
  • Lifetime online access to the Communication for Reunification Workshop

tier 2



  • (3) One-On-One Coaching Sessions with a Certified Coach (1 hour each)
  • 3-month access to the Chosen Parent Collective along with access to Healing from Emotional Trauma and our private forum (for new members only)
  • 3 group healing sessions with Dorcy Pruter
  • Lifetime online access to the Reconnect course
  • Lifetime online access to the Communication for Reunification Workshop

tier 3



  • (6) One-On-One Coaching Sessions with a Certified Coach (1 hour each)
  • 6-month access to the Chosen Parent Collective along with access to Healing from Emotional Trauma and our private forum (for new members only)
  • 6 group healing sessions with Dorcy Pruter (2 a month)
  • Lifetime online access to the Reconnect course
  • Lifetime online access to the Communication for Reunification Workshop

A note from our founder

I’m Dorcy Pruter

I’m Dorcy Pruter, the Founder and CEO of Conscious Co-Parenting Institute, a Dorcy Inc. Company, providing reunification coaching, co-parenting education, and parental alienation solutions for parents and children to reconnect, or stay connected, during and after a high-conflict divorce.

Years of personal and professional experience have taught me that the bond between a parent and child is never broken. I am a formerly alienated child who ended the suffering for my father and siblings. I am also a divorced conscious co-parent of my two daughters and the wife of a man who was being alienated from his children. I created CCPI with one simple and bold mission - to end “parental alienation” everywhere for everyone.

Because you are here, you’re ready to take the next step and enroll in Reconnect: The Alienated Parent's Reunification Roadmap.

Reconnect FAQ's

What is Reconnect: The Alienated Parent's Reunification Roadmap?

Reconnect: The Alienated Parent's Reunification Roadmap is a powerful system for helping alienated, divorced and separated parents rapidly improve their relationship with their alienated child in just 90 days without the obstacles of feeling helpless and stuck, believing their child hates them, or getting the other parent to change so they can finally reunite with their alienated child. So if you want a crystal clear and predictable roadmap to help you reunite with their alienated child, look no further!

How does it work?

Our approach is based on the core belief that there are three elements required for success for anyone serious about increasing their relationship with their alienated child as quickly as possible:


You have to be 100% “all in,” serious about taking action, and motivated to get unstuck and achieve your goals. Without commitment, no one will ever be able to make a lasting change!
Instead of spending days, weeks, months, or even YEARS searching, clicking, and scrambling to put together all the pieces required for success, you must follow a proven system, roadmap, or path from Point A to Point B. This is what Reconnect: The Alienated Parent's Reunification Roadmap provides: The exact formula you need to get where you want to go with little to no overwhelm or information overload.
The final element is confidence knowing you have dedicated support and coaching to help you customize our proven roadmap to your specific situation. This helps keep you accountable and maintains forward momentum.
We’re in this together!
So if you’re frustrated with the current state of your relationship with your alienated child, we have the clear path to follow and unparalleled support to help you reach your goals.

How is this different from other things I've tried?

Great question! If you’re reading this right now, there’s about a 99.999% chance you’ve spent more than a fair amount of time and money trying to reunite or reestablish your bond with your alienated child. There’s little doubt that you’ve probably clicked on countless ads, consumed more than a healthy dose of blogs or videos, and purchased more than a few courses - all from self-proclaimed experts and gurus who say they can help you reunite with your alienated child overnight. Heck, if you’re like most of our clients, you may have even invested a hefty amount in coaches, courses, and other products... But you’re here because you’re most likely still struggling with feeling helpless and stuck, believing your child hates you, and/or trying to get the other parent to change...
Am I right?
Well here’s why: You’re likely not following a complete system or roadmap for doing ALL OF THE THINGS required in the right order, to get your relationship with your child where you want it to be. Instead of wasting your time stuck in a state of complete information overload, trying to duct tape together all the pieces required for success, our Reconnect: The Alienated Parent's Reunification Roadmap Coaching Program provides a crystal clear step-by-step pathway to reach your destination!

How do I know if this will work for me?

After spending the last 15 years helping alienated, divorced and separated parents, we have honed our systems down to an exact science. The best way for both of us to gain 100% confidence that this is the absolute best way for you to reach your goals is to jump on a short call so we can get clear on the exact steps you should be taking based on your specific situation. Book a call HERE.