Take Back Your Power as a Parent for Good

Discover the Path to Rebuilding a Healthy Bond with your Child That Lasts in This Free Training

Our Mission

The Conscious Co-Parenting Institute provides innovative strategies and solutions for parents and children to stay connected during a high conflict divorce or separation.

Our goal is to end the emotional cutoffs and empower every member of the family to reach their potential by taking an inward approach. We focus on showing parents how to communicate with the child and the other parent to prevent alienation and provide them the tools they need to move forward and create a lasting positive change no matter where they are in the process.

Programs Focused on the Results You Want


Co-Parenting and Custody Solutions

Discover how to end the suffering and chaos with your high conflict co-parent and set a co-parenting plan that works so you can finally reunite with your alienated children.
We specialize in helping smart parents put an end to the conflict that can so often appear in contentious custody battles.

High Road to Reunification

Stop the cycle of abuse and re-establish a loving bond with your children with the High Road to Reunification program. This transformative workshop helps you cultivate a safe environment for yourself and your children. Join us to get the skills you need to reunite with your children and restore a healthy family dynamic.

Coach Training Academy

Our Coach Training Academy offers internationally recognized co-parenting, custody, and reunification certificates and licensed training programs. Focused on creating solution-focused coaches, we teach therapists the diagnostic and maintenance care protocol for our sought-after High Road to Reunification Program.

Most Popular Blogs

5 Self-Love Tactics to Use During High-Stress Conflicts

It is important to remember that your child’s behavior and rejection of you is a by product of brain washing and that even if your child is being malicious...

10 Questions to Ask An Attorney and Why They Matter

Before you ever meet with an attorney it is best to go into your first meeting prepared with your defense. Do not rely on your attorney to provide...

The 7 Strategies to Overcoming Parental Alienation

A Proven Formula to Develop a Strategy Designed to Attract Quality Professionals That will assist you in Getting More Time with Your Kids!… The greatest...

6 Tips for Getting Along With Your Ex for the Sake of Your Child

No divorce is easy, but some can be really, really tough, where the hurt seems to come in waves, bowling you over in an emotional surf...

About Us

Dorcy Pruter
CCPI CEO / Founder

I started the Conscious Co-Parenting Institute to eliminate “Parental Alienation”. For the past ten years, I’ve been one of the most sought-after reunification coaches in the world because my goal is to encourage positive relationships and support every member of the family in reaching their highest potential.

I truly believe that every human on the planet is here with a purpose and has the opportunity to learn and grow and be the best version they can be. I also believe that nobody can do it on their own. The way you change the world is to build a powerhouse team around you.”

I learned through my personal journey exactly what it takes to end the conflict and re-establish a healthy and long-lasting bond with your family. 

I am a formerly alienated child who ended the suffering for my father and siblings. I am also a divorced conscious co-parent of my two daughters, and the wife of a man who was being alienated from his child. 

Too often, conflict arises and children become a precious possession that can be used against another parent. This behavior is triggered on a deep level, but CAN be reversed and overcome with the right approach. That’s why I do what I do.

Learn more about me and the Conscious Co-Parenting Institute mission here.


After being alienated from my children for several years, I started coaching with Dorcy. Through the work we did together, I was able to maintain 50/50 custody of my son, and have fully reunited with my daughter. I have coached several coaching programs from CCPI coaching to completing Higher Purpose Mastery Coaching with Dorcy. In the Fall of 2013, I completed my cross-country solo ride to fight Childhood Obesity. Working with Dorcy and her programs has improved my relationships and most importantly my relationship with myself and my children. I am currently working on my Co-Parenting Coaching Certification.”

- Jeff Maihack


“Dorcy is an extraordinary and energetic woman who stood up and built her business with her valuable knowledge, insight and skills. Meeting with her over a year ago helped me to understand my purpose in life. I enrolled in her training program to get certified as a Conscious Co-Parenting Coach. A brilliant course. Through her coaching and guidance, I also reunite with my alienated child. I feel proud to be one of her Coaches.”

- Yolinda Thomas

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